A série TIC TAC TALES é uma produção da Bigmoon Studios, com o formato 39×7’, dedicada a um público mais infantil e que mistura animação 2D com imagem real. Com recurso a vários contos tradicionais (portugueses e não só), e a uma galeria de personagens de influência Warneriana, conseguimos uma série equilibrada e que irá interessar, certamente, ao público-alvo.
A WHAT’S UP? foi incumbida de levar a bom porto a pré-produção e produção desta série , incumbência essa que como sempre, levámos a peito cumprindo objectivos e prazos, claro.
A série está a ser exibida na RTP2 e alguns episódios estão já disponíveis online.
TIC TAC TALES is a Bigmoon Studios production aimed at a younger audience. This 39×7’ animation series blends 2D animation and real life actors and by using Portuguese and worldwide folk tales along with a gallery of compelling characters, the result is quite funny and will delight kids.
WHAT’S UP? team was responsible for the pre-production and production and as usual we faced this challenge very seriously, achieving our goals by keeping our standards high and (last but not the least) on schedule.
TIC TAC TALES is a Bigmoon Studios production aimed at a younger audience. This 39×7’ animation series blends 2D animation and real life actors and by using Portuguese and worldwide folk tales along with a gallery of compelling characters, the result is quite funny and will delight kids.
WHAT’S UP? team was responsible for the pre-production and production and as usual we faced this challenge very seriously, achieving our goals by keeping our standards high and (last but not the least) on schedule.
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